~Grace, grace~ By Faith

Powerful Women of God Blog

Encouraging, Empowering and Strengthening Women in Life, Love, Destiny and Faith.

~Grace, grace~

“I don’t really understand myself, for I want to do what is right, but I don’t do it. Instead, I do what I hate.” Romans 7:15.

Have you ever said this to yourself? I have…more times than I can count.

It’s been so interesting being an entrepreneur. I have truly witnessed my business being a reflection of my inner self. Things like my self worth, my “deserve” level, organization, money management and time management are all reflected in the way I run things. Time after time I would set goals, see the value in achieving them and yet not exercise the self discipline to walk it out and see them realized. Thankfully, God has still provided me with so many blessings and achievements throughout these seasons even though I’ve always felt I could be doing so much more.

In the last few months I have learned a lot more about the topic of neuroplasticity and “limiting beliefs” and/or “self sabotage.”

Did you know that 90% of the thoughts we had yesterday, we automatically have again today? When we have a defining moment as young children and have a strong thought about it, chances are we had that thought again and again. 30 or 40 years later we are a product of how we had been thinking all those years. These thoughts drive our actions and subsequently our habits.

Additionally, 95% of “us” is run by our subconscious mind. When we decide that we are going to change, 5% of “us” is going up against 95%. My objective here is to point out that God knows this. He sees us and our habitual ways, and He’s giving us grace accordingly.

My journey learning about neuroplasticity and getting to the root of these habitual thoughts is ever-going. I am so grateful for God’s grace and that He sees my heart for wanting to change so much and that He also sees why I sometimes do what I hate.

I have more hope than ever to experience the opposite of that and instead enjoy the fruits of the spirit all the way down to my thoughts.

Check out these resources for more on neuroplasticity:

Dr. Caroline leaf – YouTube and books switch on your brain, or Think Learn Succeed.

Or Dr. Joe Dispenza – breaking the habit of being yourself

You can do all things through Christ – even change your thoughts and create a healthier “you!”

I’d encourage you to do just that!
