F. E. A. R. ~By Faith

Powerful Woman of God Blog

Encouraging, Empowering and Strengthening Women in Life, Love, Destiny and Faith.

F. E. A. R. ~By Faith

We have all experienced fear. In my career I have heard Fear described as representing these words- “false evidence appearing real.”

Nothing of fear comes from God. God is love. When the enemy deposits a fearful thought in our way we have a choice. I, many times have taken the thought and run with it, meditated on it and made it into a much bigger and scarier scenario. This is our choice.

The enemy is toothless! The only power a fearful thought has is the power we give to it – otherwise it is simply a thought.

Furthermore We are not our thoughts. Our identity is in Christ. When we know this we are able to pause, back up and “observe” our thoughts for what they really are. We can check them by asking questions like, “Is this rooted in fear or love?” “Is it true?” “Is it serving me to dwell on it?” “What actions do I take when I think this way?” “What happens when I take those actions?”

We can change our thoughts to ask productive things like, “What is a different thought that would empower me, and what action can I take to strengthen myself in Christ? How would my life look if I chose these thoughts and actions? How will I plan to choose these thoughts the next time I am overcome by fear?”

My dear friend sent me this quote from the book, Torrential Love:

When difficult circumstances arise in life, there are two ways to respond. We can either run away in fear, or kindle the strength from within and try to overcome them. If we choose the first option, all of our strength will be drained and we will be blown about like dry leaves in the wind. It is impossible to escape from some things. One who tries to run away will simply collapse due to exhaustion. Instead, we should gather mental strength, rise up and move to action, spreading the fragrance of selflessness and love. The shadow of fear will only disappear with the dawning of the light of love. Love is our strength. Love is our refuge.

May you be strengthened to defeat and correct fear thoughts, and empowered to new action in the love of Christ!
